drive by the beach

Hi, I'm Patrick, a Full-Stack Software Engineer.

You might be asking what is a Full-Stack Software Engineer? Well, not to get too technical, all it really means is that I am a problem solver. I can build solutions to many of the problems you are facing in your business.

I want you to ask yourself a few questions:

If someone needs what you provide, will your website draw them in?

What will they see if they are on their phone?

A responsive & accessible web presence is no longer merely a 'bonus' or 'nice to have' - it is essential. It is my privilege to offer small businesses and individuals a chance to be seen on the web. Whether that means creating a website for you from the ground up, or updating an existing website for the mobile age. Providing a place for interested parties to find and learn about what you offer is what I offer.

Now, let me ask you, how can I help you today?

Things I Can Do Well

I don't want to sound like I'm bragging but, these are some of my skills.

  • Writing code
  • Full Stack Application Development
  • Read books and stuff
  • Drink coffee

Latest Projects

Please take a look around, see what I've been up to, and let's see if we can build something great together.

The Salon

A simple fully accessible website built for a local salon.


Kettle-Belle Fitness & Yoga Studio

Kette-Belle Fitness & Yoga Studio is an exclusive, ladies only fitness club and this is their website.

Contact Me

I am currently accepting new freelance clients, interesting project opportunities, and if the need exists full time Software Engineer opportunities.Please click on one of the icons below to connect with me.